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Color Palette

Each showroom contains the available color palette in the first section of the ext_config.ini file. To use any of these colors for you lights, simply write their name with a $ sign in front.


$White → $Purple

DESCRIPTION = Color Values, don't change - Use them below for light colors

Red = 244, 67, 54 Red2 = 245, 20, 0 Red3 = 237, 48, 54 Pink = 232, 30, 99 Purple = 156, 39, 176 DeepPurple = 103, 58, 183 Indigo = 63, 81, 181 Blue = 33, 150, 243 Blue2 = 30,151,183 LightBlue = 3, 169, 244 LightPurple = 179, 166, 221 Cyan = 0, 188, 212 Teal = 0, 150, 136 Green = 76, 175, 80 Green2 = 30,180,90 LightGreen = 139, 195, 74 Lime = 205, 220, 57 Yellow = 255, 235, 59 Amber = 255, 193, 7 Orange = 255, 152, 0 Orange2 = 250,100,30 DeepOrange = 255, 87, 34 Brown = 121, 85, 72 Gray = 158, 158, 158 BlueGray = 96, 125, 139 WarmWhite = 255, 220, 220 WarmWhite2 = 255, 210, 140 White = 255, 255, 255 CoolWhite = 200, 200, 255

Color Visualization

Red - #F44336
Red2 - #F51400
Red3 - #ED3036
Pink - #E81E63
Purple - #9C27B0
DeepPurple - #673AB7
Indigo - #3F51B5
Blue - #2196F3
Blue2 - #1E97B7
LightBlue - #03A9F4
LightPurple - #B3A6DD
Cyan - #00BCD4
Teal - #009688
Green - #4CAF50
Green2 - #1EB45A
LightGreen - #8BC34A
Lime - #CDDC39
Yellow - #FFEB3B
Amber - #FFC107
Orange - #FF9800
Orange2 - #FA641E
DeepOrange - #FF5722
Brown - #795548
Gray - #9E9E9E
BlueGray - #607D8B
WarmWhite - #FFDCDC
WarmWhite2 - #FFD28C
White - #FFFFFF
CoolWhite - #C8C8FF